The team

Or Brook
Associate Professor
University of Leeds
Or Brook is an Associate Professor in Competition Law and Policy at the School of Law of the University of Leeds. She is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice (CBLP), and the Director of the British chapter of the International Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA). Or specialises in international, EU, and comparative competition law and policy, and empirical legal research.
Her interdisciplinary academic background, combining law and economics, greatly informed her research interests and design. She is a passionate advocate of empirical legal research. She has created large databases, regularly employs empirical methods, and studies empirical legal methodology and its political underpinning.
Her monograph on the role of public policy considerations (non-competition interests) in the enforcement of Article 101 TFEU was recently published by Cambridge University Press (2022). Titled “Non-Competition Interests in EU Antitrust Law: An Empirical Study of Article 101 TFEU”, it is the first to present comprehensive empirical data on the consideration of public policy across the EU, including over 3,100 cases from the EU and five Member states (1962-2017).
Currently, she is leading two large, long-term collaborative empirical projects: First, in the Priority Setting Project, Or partnered with Dr. Katalin Cseres from the Amsterdam Center for European Law and Governance to study the practices and theory behind setting the enforcement priorities by competition authorities. This project uses a mix of interviews with high-ranking members of competition authorities with desk research and a host of impact activities. The first stage of the project (2019-2023), focused on competition law enforcement by the EU Commission and national competition authorities. The second stage (2023-4) moves to study setting enforcement priorities in developing countries, and is supported by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
Second, Or is coordinating an international collaborative project, delivering the first-ever comprehensive mapping of judicial review of competition law enforcement across the UK and the European Union and providing an evidence-based assessment of the operation of national courts. The data is collected by 28 national teams, each experts in their respective
enforcement systems, and records an array of quantitative and qualitative variables of each judgment.