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Shall we share? The principle of FRAND in B2B data sharing
Data is often defined as the ‘oil’ of the 21st century economy: companies that successfully collect and process a large amount of data can provide more personalized services to their customers, develop new products,...
This working paper includes a collection of case notes written by the national judges who attended the 12th edition of the European Networking and Training for National Competition Enforcers (ENTraNCE for Judges, 2022).
The training programme is organised by the Centre for a Digital Society. The 12th edition took place between November 2021 and October 2022, with the financial contribution of the DG Competition of the European Commission.
The case notes in the working paper summarise judgments from different EU Member States relating to diverse aspects of competition law enforcement. This working paper thus aims to increase the understanding of the challenges that are faced by the national judiciaries in enforcing national and EU competition in the context of the decentralised regime of competition law enforcement that was introduced by Reg. 1/2003.