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Digital Markets Act in the Making: Challenges and Potential of the New EU Regulation on Big Tech
This Policy Brief summarises the main points raised during the conference titled “Digital Markets Act in the making: Challenges and potential of the new EU regulation on Big Tech”. The conference focused on the Digital...
A chapter by our Research Fellow Igor Nikolic, in Despoina Mantzari (ed), Competition Law of the European Union (2nd edition, Matthew Bender & Co 2021).
Competition Law of the European Union, Second Edition provides a comprehensive analysis of the competition policy of the European Union, along with the latest case law and relevant primary source material. Topics include a thorough analysis of the founding treaty, organization, law and regulations of the European Union, as well as an examination of decisions and agreements affecting commerce and economic activity in such areas as pricing and distribution practices, mergers, joint ventures, monopolies, licensing, intellectual property rights and enforcement and remedies. The maze of special rules that apply to specific sectors like energy, postal services, telecommunications, new media and surface transport are covered as well. The treatise also sets forth the text of the establishing treaty, and significant regulations, announcements, and protocols.