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ENTraNCE – Training for national judges
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This book series comprises the volumes published in the context of the “European Networking and Training for National Competition Enforcers” (ENTraNCE). In addition to training activities for national judges, the ENTraNCE project has led to the publication of several working papers. These working papers includes the case notes written by training participants, summarising national judgements in the field of EU competition law. The ENTraNCE project has resulted in the publication of five edited books by Edward Elgar Publishing, analysing emerging trends in the enforcement of competition law at the national and EU level.
Edited by Pier Luigi Parcu, European University Institute; Giorgio Monti, Tilburg University and European University Institute; and Marco Botta, European University Institute and Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
This insightful book discusses the interaction of sector-specific regulation and competition policy. In particular, it identifies emerging trends and reflects on the nature of network regulation in the energy and telecom industries. Chapters consider key topics, such as the recent antitrust investigations concerning the excessive price of off-patent drugs and the impact of digitalization on the future of network industries. The book also assesses several examples of the complex relationship between sector-specific regulation and competition policy.
Edited by Pier Luigi Parcu, European University Institute; Giorgio Monti, Tilburg University and European University Institute; and Marco Botta, European University Institute and Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
This insightful book assesses emerging trends in the role of economic analysis in EU competition policy, exploring how it has substantially increased in terms of both theories and methods. Chapters consider key topics including the role of economic analysis in relation to defining the relevant market, the challenges of competition policy enforcement in the telecom and digital markets, and economic methods to estimate damages in cases of private enforcement of EU competition law. The book also discusses the challenges faced by judges in reviewing the economic evidence relied on by competition agencies in their decisions and how these may be overcome.
Edited by Pier Luigi Parcu, European University Institute; Giorgio Monti, Tilburg University and European University Institute; and Marco Botta, European University Institute.
The recent State Aid Modernization has decentralized the enforcement of State aid law. In particular, under the General Block Exemption Regulation a number of aid schemes do not require the preventive “check” by the European Commission, while national courts play a growing role in private enforcement of State aid law. This insightful book analyzes the enforcement of State aid law in the aftermath of the State Aid Modernization, identifying a number of emerging trends at the national and EU level.
Edited by Pier Luigi Parcu, European University Institute; Giorgio Monti, Tilburg University and European University Institute; and Marco Botta, European University Institute and Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Edited by Pier Luigi Parcu, European University Institute; Giorgio Monti, Tilburg University and European University Institute; and Marco Botta, European University Institute and Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
This project is co-funded by the European Union
Pier Luigi Parcu
Centre for a Digital Society
Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom
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